Play Therapy
Play therapy is a therapeutic strategy that helps people, especially children, express their thoughts and emotions in a safe and supportive setting. Hapinus Care in Trivandrum offers play therapy. Play therapy sessions are led by qualified therapists who interact with the kid using a range of play tools and strategies. When children use play to explore their emotions, experiences, and difficulties, the therapist can better understand their environment and offer the right kind of support. Children who receive play therapy can benefit from improved communication, better coping mechanisms, and better emotional regulation. Children with a range of challenges, including trauma, anxiety, behavioural issues, and developmental delays, can benefit from this powerful intervention.
Children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental issues benefit from play therapy. This covers kids who are coping with stress, anxiety, or depression as well as kids who have suffered trauma from things like abuse, neglect, or loss. Children with behavioural problems including violence, defiance, or trouble socializing might also benefit from play therapy. Play therapy is also beneficial for kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), learning impairments, and developmental delays. In general, any child who can benefit from a therapeutic approach that emphasizes play as a form of expression and healing can benefit from play therapy.